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Terms and conditions

COOLERTRAILERS.CA Rental Agreement – Terms


IMPORTANT: Units require 110V 15A shoreline power within 25ft or 8m. It is recommended that customers consult and a qualified electrician to ensure safe and reliable deployment prior to using customer supplied power source’s including generators.

1.Rental Periods

1 Day = 24hrs; Weekly = 7 days; Monthly Rate = 28 days

a) Trailer rental periods are a maximum of 1 month (28 days). If a rental period extends beyond this, a new agreement shall be made and signed by both COOLER TRAILERS and the RENTER.

b) Equipment rentals are clocked out and clocked back in according to the time and date. Overdue Equipment will be automatically charged at the current rate.

For Example, on a weekly (7 day) rental, equipment that is picked up at 2 pm on a Friday must be returned before 2 pm the following Friday to avoid extra charges.

c) 30 days Notice of cancellation required for full deposit return

2. Equipment testing and maintenance

a) All equipment is tested prior to deployment. COOLER TRAILERS shall make every effort to repair the problem or replace damaged or defective equipment with identical or similar equipment if the equipment fails to operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and operation instructions. Such replacement (if readily available) shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable after RENTER notifies COOLER TRAILERS of the non-conforming equipment.

b) COOLER TRAILERS recommends that the RENTER always consults a qualified electrician and a COOLER TRAILERS technician prior to and during equipment deployment to ensure the RENTER has a safe reliable power source.

c) COOLER TRAILERS is not responsible for any loss or damage of any kind regarding the equipment while connected to the RENTER or COOLER TRAILERS supplied power sources.

d) The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented equipment during the terms of the rental at his own cost and expense. He shall keep the equipment in a good state of repair, normal wear and tear excepted.

e) The RENTER shall not remove the equipment from the location shown herein as the place of use of the equipment without prior notification and written approval of COOLER TRAILERS.

f) The equipment shall be delivered to the RENTER and returned to COOLER TRAILERS at the RENTERS risk, cost and expense by COOLER TRAILERS. If a periodic rental rate is charged by COOLER TRAILERS, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for each period or portions of the period from the time the equipment is delivered to the RENTER until it is returned to COOLER TRAILERS.

j) If the equipment is not returned during or at the end of the term, then the rental charges shall continue at standard rates until the equipment is returned. No allowance will be made for any rented equipment or portion thereof which is returned early or claimed not to have been used.

3. Loss or Damage to Trailer

a) Renter shall pay COOLER TRAILERS for all loss, damage and/or mechanical repairs to trailer and accessories, regardless of fault, resulting from abuse and/or misuse and/or negligence.

b) RENTER will be subject to charges for COOLER TRAILERS technician time ($80.00 per hour), kilometer charges ($1.75 per km).

Prohibited Use

The trailer of this contract shall not be used:

a) By anyone not specifically named in this agreement.

b) By anyone whose ability to operate the tow vehicle is impaired by alcohol, drugs or fatigue.

c) Outside of British Columbia without written consent.

d) In any contest.

e) In violation of any law.

5. Loss of Use

Renter agrees to pay a sum equal to the regular daily rental rate of the trailer for each day the trailer is unavailable for rent, regardless of fault, while any damage and/or mechanical repairs are made.

6. Reporting of Accidents and Theft

Renter shall report any accident or theft involving the trailer to the police and shall complete a written report as soon as possible and in any event within 24 hours.

7. Payment

Renter shall pay all charges incurred in connection with the rental. Renter agrees that if the person or company indicated by renter to be responsible for payment fails to make payment, renter on demand agrees to pay all charges.

8. Tickets or Fines

Renter shall pay all fines plus 10% administration fee for all fines or fees associated with traffic and parking violations issued during the rental period. The renter is responsible for any charges from any toll road costs while in possession of the trailer.

9. Repossession

COOLER TRAILERS may terminate this agreement and repossess the trailer at any time or place.

10. Personal Property

COOLER TRAILERS is not responsible for loss or damage of any property left in, upon or carried in the trailer.

11. Loads

Renter agrees to pay for any and all damage and/or mechanical repairs resulting from the vehicle being overloaded or improperly loaded or resulting from an insecure load.

12. Tow Vehicle (Self Tow) *See section 16 for required documentation

a) Tow vehicles are not covered by COOLER TRAILERS insurance.

b) If the trailer referred to on the other side of this contract is damaged by a tow vehicle, renter shall pay for all damage, loss of use and towing.

c) All tow vehicles MUST HAVE the proper hitch and wiring required to tow the trailer safely. This may include an electric brake controller if the trailer is equipped with brakes. Hitching and wiring MUST be in good working order. Any problems or adjustments must be repaired and the cost is the responsibility of the renter.

13. Delays and Breakdowns

COOLER TRAILERS is not responsible for loss of time, wages, inconvenience, loss of use of the vehicle or other consequential damage or experience. The trailer has been equipped with a spare tire; COOLER TRAILERS is not responsible for any costs associated with changing the tire in case of a roadside flat.

14. Licenses and Permits

Any additional licenses or permits required by provincial authorities are the responsibility of the renter. This includes annual safety inspections on the renter’s tow vehicle that is required to tow a trailer with brakes or combination of trailer and tow vehicle exceeding 9920 lbs.

15. Deposit

a) A booking deposit of 15% minimum of the total rental price shall be required from the renter at the time of booking the trailer. A security deposit may be required at the discretion of COOLER TRAILERS and payment made at the start of the rental period. At the commencement of the rental period, an inspection will be completed and the security deposit will be refunded providing the trailer is returned by the time specified on this contract, clean and in good condition.

b) Credit card on file will be charged automatically for all unpaid invoices.

16. Required documentation (Self tow insurance requirements)

a) Copy of a valid ICBC Vehicle Policy with added coverage for the rental trailer for the rental period.

b) Minimum $2,000,000 3rd Party liability

c) A Corporate or Business Insurance Certificate showing: Valid non-owned vehicles endorsement term covering rental vehicles, trailers and, 1408647 B.C. LTD shall be named as additional insured on the certificate.

d) A copy of your Tow Vehicle’s Valid Insurance.

e) A copy of driver(s) Valid Driver’s License.



I, hereby (A) waive, release, and discharge from any and all liability for the death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft or actions of any kind which may hereafter accrue to me or my family and friends (B) hold harmless COOLER TRAILERS for any and all liabilities and claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of any of my actions or the actions of any associates, employees or reps.


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